Once upon a time,
there was a clever girl, Alina Pinelli, working in communication just like me.
She quit it,
to develop her family's project,
ending up in the "glocal" philosphy.
Read the story of Alina below,
and watch the video of

Alina says, "We bought a ruin from the 18 century more than 30 years ago, with about 50 acres of land, and gradually restored it into a country home for our family. We started planting olive trees until we reached the present number of 2000. Now, we produce our own extra virgin organic olive oil, honey and saffron. We have also expanded and developed the property, transforming it into a small tourist rural resort accommodating up to 18 guests with very high comfort and great personal care for our guests, since they are like friends for us, not just customers. We like to share with our guests our love for local, genuine food matched with great wines from our cellar (approximately 2500 bottles from all over Italy and the world), organizing cooking classes, and wine and oil tasting. We also love to transfer our passion and interest for the country life to our guests and we suggest and organize visits to many artistic and cultural destinations in the surrounding Umbrian and Tuscan towns."
to see more...
We're going to take you along, by updating our fan pages in
and this is his website, where you can check out his amazing preview work/portfolio.
A special thank you to all people that have already believed in his project,
and to the project sponsor, Walks of Italy, which offers wonderful walking tours all over the country.
...d'you know what I mean?
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