February 14, 2011

My favourite photographer ever is Luigi Burroni

My favourite photographer 
is Luigi Burroni. 
Even if usually he's not interested in fashion 

I'm glad 
I had the chance to work with him for Capitocome
I use to say 
exactly WHAT TO DO 
to him, and then leave him for a couple of shoots, 
...and guess what. 
These couple of shoots 
were always masterpieces. 
I wish I could be 
in my little town in Tuscany 
having the chance to check his exhibition. 
For all of you 
that are on that side of the world, 
there's no excuse. 
You'd better to go: 
February 19 - 27 2011
opening Saturday 19/02, 5 pm
Monday to Friday 4:00-8:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday 10:00am-1:00pm 4:00-8:00 pm
schools inquires: 330 853631 

..d'you know what I mean? 

Do you like this story? My favourite photographer ever is Luigi Burroni