August 15, 2012

People and stories in Florence

We started Bella Toscana in Florence 
with the people 

and their stories
There is our favourite guy in the historical San Lorenzo food market.
then there is Luca, who gives new life to lost soul furniture in San Frediano 
Roberto, who offered us a coffee, a real one, while telling us the secrets of the market. 
I want to point out that not one of them had time to stop and pose, 
but they had no problem sharing their stories with us. 

All the photos are by Samuel Webster
to see more... 

We're going to take you along, by updating our fan pages in 
Fb Samuel Webster or Bella 
Twitter Samuel Webster or Bella #bellatoscana  and in my blog Capitocome
This is Sam's Bella Toscana official page  
and this is his websitewhere you can check out his amazing preview work/portfolio. 
A special thank you to all people that have already believed in his project, 
and to the project sponsor, Walks of Italy, which offers wonderful walking tours all over the country. 

...d'you know what I mean? 

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